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android application course training institute in Kolkata

Android with Kotlin Application Course

Android with Kotlin training course in kolkata with live international projects

Home / Android with Kotlin Application Course
Minimum Eligibility:
Graduate/ B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA/ MCA
Course Duration:
6 Months
Mode Of Training:
Online and Offline
Course Fees

One year after its launch, in 2017, Google recognized Kotlin as their second official language for Android development. In 2019, Kotlin was declared as the favored programming language for Android applications at Google

As one of the leading android training institutes in Kolkata, we introduce you to a wide range of skills and expertise to develop the Android apps.

Why Kotlin is preferred over Java

  • Kotlin Application Deployment is faster to compile, lightweight, and prevents applications from increasing size.
  • Any chunk of code written in Kotlin is much smaller compared to Java, as it is less verbose and less code means fewer bugs.
  • Kotlin compiles the code to a bytecode which can be executed in the JVM. Thus, all the libraries and frameworks made in Java transfer and run in a Kotlin project.
  • Kotlin script helps to configure projects in Android Studio for auto-completion aids, and it helps to reduce compile-time error detection.
  • It is safe against NullPointerException (The Billion Dollar Mistake ).
  • Kotlin incorporates coroutines, as well as interoperability with Javascript for web development.

Android with Kotlin Application Development Course Content:

Module 1:

  • Java Architecture , JVM - Bytecode - JRE Concepts.
  • Variables, Giving output , Writing first program , compile and run

Module 2:

  • Conditional Statement – if-else , switch
  • Introduction to loop –for loop
  • Arrays and String elements

    Module 3:

  • For loop continued
  • While loop , do-while loop, Nesting of Loop
  • Break and continue statement, Array list and Maps

Module 4:

  • Introduction to Class and Objects
  • Member and methods to operate on Method
  • Constructors, Method and constructor overloading

Module 5:

  • Introduction to inheritance
  • Implement keyword , Overriding Methods
  • Introduction to interface, Multiple inheritance

Module 6:

  • Abstract Class, Singleton pattern, Exception Handling

Primary Course :

Android Application Development with Kotlin –Eligibity : Prior Java with OOPS knowledge.

Module 7 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Kotlin Basics – IDE
  • Kotlin Hello World
  • Kotlin Data Types
  • Kotlin Operators
  • Kotlin Type Conversion
  • Kotlin Expression & Statement
  • Kotlin Comments
  • Kotlin Input/Output
  • Kotlin if expression
  • Kotlin when Expression

Module 8 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Loops ( for, while, do-while)
  • Kotlin while Loop
  • Kotlin for Loop
  • Kotlin break
  • Kotlin continue
  • Collections - List

Module 9 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Functions
  • Default and Named Arguments
  • Classes Introduction

Module 10 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Kotlin Class and Objects
  • Primary Constructor
  • Init Blocks
  • Member Functions
  • Function overloading

Module 11 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Kotlin Inheritance
  • Function Overriding
  • Kotlin Visibility Modifiers
  • Kotlin Abstract Class
  • Kotlin Interfaces

Module 12 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Kotlin Nested and Inner Classes
  • Kotlin Data Class
  • Kotlin Sealed Class
  • Kotlin Object
  • Kotlin Companion Objects
  • Kotlin Extension Function

Module 13 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Pass functions as arguments, lambda notation, and function references
  • Differentiate nullable and non-nullable types and how to work with null safely
  • Understand safe exception handling in Kotlin
  • Set Up kotlin environment in android studio

Module 14 – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Doubt clearance on selected topics
  • Project on Kotlin

Module 15: Introducing Android – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Installing Development Tools
  • Android Studio, IDE and Tools
  • Using the Emulator
  • Your First Android Application

Module 16 : Introducing Android – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Installing Development Tools
  • Android Studio, IDE and Tools
  • Using the Emulator
  • Your First Android Application

Module 17: Basic to Advanced Android – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Activity Life Cycle
  • Application Components
  • Using Resources
  • Dependency and third party library Integration

Module 18: Some Basic Views – Time frame: 1 week

  • TextViews
  • EditTexts
  • Buttons
  • Radio Buttons
  • Check Box etc. for UI development

Module 19: Some Complex Views – Time frame: 2 weeks

  • ListView
  • GridViews
  • Recycler View

Module 20: Data Saving – Timeframe: 2 weeks

  • Different types of file saving systems in Android
  • Using Android SQLite Database

Module 21: Implementation of Some Features – Timeframe: 1 week

  • Using Android Webkit for WebViews
  • Using Android Telephony and SMS from your application
  • Broadcast Receiver
  • Background Service

Module 22: Map and Location – Timeframe: 2 weeks

  • Using street view/ satellite views from your android application
  • Android Location based services
  • Getting different kinds of sensors from your Android phone

MModule 23: Parsing – Time frame: 1 week

  • Json Parser
  • Restful Api Details

Module 24: Material Design – Timeframe: 2 weeks

  • Designing fragments
  • Fragments life cycle
  • Fragment management and integration
  • Navigation Drawer,Toolbar,BottomNavigationView,Snackbar
  • Social Media Login Integration(Facebook, ,Gmail)

Module 25: Advance Topics – Time frame: 2+ week

  • FCM push notification
  • MVC and MVVM architecture concepts
  • Asynchronous programming concepts

Module 26 :Emerging Technologies– Time frame: 2+ week

  • Introduction to JetPack - RoomDB
  • Introduction to Workmanager, ViewModel- LiveData, Coroutine
  • Introduction to Asynchronous programming - Coroutine

Live Project Module – 2 Weeks

On successful completion of the modules mentioned as above, the students will be assigned an Android app project. Students develop the app under the guidance of a senior professional of Karmick Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Android team.

On successful completion of the project, selected students (based on their performance) will get a 2 week on-job experience where they will be able to work alongside the app development team in Karmick Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


On completion of the full course, and successful execution of the project work, a training & project completion certificate will be provided to the students by Karmick Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Enquiry Call Us

Android with Java Application Course FAQs

Yes, you need to have a technical background.

We deliver in-depth training to our students on one-to-one basis so that they get proper attention.
Classes are held on weekends too for the convenience of working professionals. Additionally, in terms of fees, we are much more reasonable than many other institutes in Kolkata.

Android is the most popular operating system around the world and this popularity is expected to rise even more in future. Hence, there is a growing demand for Android app developers in every industry. Fetching jobs will not be difficult at all if you keep upgrading yourself.

Yes, you will be supplied with study materials.

Yes. On successful completion of the course, you will get the opportunity to develop an Android app under the guidance of a senior Android app developer.

You have to visit us at the address mentioned in the Contact Us page and talk to our counsellor for detailed information.

We guarantee 100% placement assistance.

Yes, you will get a valid certificate after the successful completion of the course.

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I am Sukanya MandaI, I learned PHP Laravel course from Karmick Institute. My trainer was Soumya Naskar. He is an industrial expert trainer.
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