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node js training institute in kolkata

Node JS & MongoDB Course

Node js & MongoDB Training Institute in Kolkata With Live International Projects

Home / Node js Course
Minimum Eligibility:
Graduate/ B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA/ MCA
Course Duration:
3 Months
Mode Of Training:
Online and Offline
Course Fees Rs.15,000/-

Node js & MongoDB Training

A career in node js requires in-depth training and guidance so that you can take the right step in the right direction. Karmick Institute will help you do the same. Our trained professionals have successfully made us one of the Best Node.js & MongoDB Training Institute in Kolkata.

Why to learn Node js?

Looking for lightweight, efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices? Check out Node.js. Built on Chrome's JavaScript, Node.js uses is an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

Benefits of learning node js training course in Kolkata @ Karmick Institute

  • Leading node js training institute in Kolkata
  • State of the art infrastructure
  • Industry Experienced and skilled teachers
  • Facility to work on "Live" Projects
  • Certificate on completion of the Course
  • 100% Job Assistance Guaranteed!

Node JS & MongoDB Course Content:

Module 1: Intro to Node.js

  • RAM vs. I/O latency
  • Blocking vs. Non-Blocking
  • Event-driven Programming
  • Event Loop
  • Blocking The Event Loop
  • Node.js Philosophy

Module 2: Node.js Platform Setup

  • Download and Install
  • Node REPL
  • First Hello World

Module 3: Modules and npm

  • Anatomy of a module
  • Private code
  • Accessing and using modules
  • npm commands
  • package.json

Module 4: The Callback Pattern

  • What are callbacks
  • Callback-last
  • Error-first

Module 5: Events

  • When to use Event Emitters
  • Binding Functions to Events
  • Event Requests
  • Event Listening

Module 6: Error Handling

  • Callbacks: Error-first
  • Errors in Event Emitters
  • Uncaught Exceptions
  • Using Domains

Module 7: Buffers

  • Why Buffers exist
  • Creating Buffers
  • Reading and Writing Buffers
  • Manipulating Buffers

Module 8: Streams

  • What are streams
  • Read and Write Stream API
  • Flow Control
  • Piping
  • Duplex Stream
  • Transform Stream

Module 9: Express.js

  • Intro and Installing Express.js
  • Building a Hello Express application
  • Creating routes
  • Rendering Layouts
  • Using templates
  • Adding partials
  • Using locals and conditional templates
  • Modularizing routes

Module 10: Socket.io

  • Listening for
  • Broadcasting
  • Answering questions

Module 11: Introduction to MongoDB

  • Basic configuration & installation
  • Database concept
  • Collection
  • Document
  • Data models
  • Data types
  • Insert
  • Update & query document
  • Projection & sorting
  • Indexing, aggregation
  • Replication in MongoDB
  • Backup & restore data.

Module 12: Advanced Concept of MongoDB

  • Relationships
  • DB references
  • Covered queries
  • Atomicity
  • MongoDB ObjectId
  • Use of regular expressions

Module 13: Connection Between MongoDB & NodeJS

  • Basic configuration & install MongoDB driver
  • Create database & collection
  • MongoDB queries through Node.js.

Module 14: Application development Using NodeJS & MongoDB

  • API through HTTP request
  • Data management through NodeJS using MongoDB

Module 15: NodeJS & the web

  • Handling web requests
  • Building a web server using http module

Module 16: Live project

At the end of module all students get the expertise to develop an industry standard Node JS application. So, at this stage, we assign live project works to the students.

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Amazing training and extremely interactive, the best part is that there is NO PPT or Study Materials. Absolutely impressed with the trainer's teaching style and rather explained us everything through real life metaphors.

Thank you Karmick Institute, I would like to recommend this training to everyone who is aspiring.

Krishnanjan Ghosh Prestashop
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